Friday, September 12, 2008

Another one of those days

Today I just didn't get much accomplished. Made some phone calls and started on an article for Horseman's News but didn't get very far. Wrote one for Demand Studios and got about halfway through another. It's a good thing this week started out so good! My total isn't bad for the week though, so I'll try to get a lot done tomorrow and finish strong. In one week from today, I leave town for 10 days and won't be able to work much while I'm gone!

Today's Earnings: $15
Payments: $183

Assignment update:
1 for CH (tomorrow): not started
2 for Demand Studios (9/15): 1 done
3 for Demand Studios (9/16): not started
1 for Demand Studios (9/17): not started
4 for Demand Studios (9/18): not started
6 for Horseman's News (9/14): 4 done, started on 1, might scrap 1
1 for LEG (9/5): need info
4 for Hills & Lagoons: done
Gold Medal article (9/30): interviews done
more queries! 2 this month

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