Saturday, August 2, 2008

Day one as a full-time freelancer

Well, today was my first official day as a real, grown up, full-time freelancer! What did I do? Take the day off! I did write a little, but I also went out for breakfast, visited with a friend and went dancing. I wrote one article for CH and one for Demand Studios and taught one dance lesson, so the day wasn't a complete loss!

Earnings: $65
Payments: $80

Assignment update:
1 for EZ (new, due 7/28): first draft sent, waiting for feedback
4 press releases for PB (soon): second draft of #1 and #2 sent
4 for Demand Studios (8/4): done
3 for Demand Studios (8/7): 1 done
2 for Demand Studios (8/8): not started
7 for CH (8/7): 3 done, 1 barely started
1 for Saddle Horse Report (due 8/5): research pretty much done
1 for Sierra Style (due 8/8): Greg done with research
1 for Back Country Horsemen (due 8/15): not started
Gold Medal article (whenever): started lining up interviews
"winds of change" short story contest on Accentuate Writers (due 8/20): not started
more queries!

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