Tuesday, August 5, 2008


You would think that now that I'm a full-time freelancer, I wouldn't need to stay up until 12:45 writing, but here I am. I have an article due to The Saddle Horse Report tomorrow and I needed to stay up until it was done so I can read it with fresh eyes tomorrow and proof it before I turn it in. Whew! I also put in one hour for EZ and wrote 4 Demand Studios articles. Oh, and I finished You can too Scream Through a Snorkel and have a couple of ideas for where to send it--maybe tomorrow.

Earnings: $160--only $6 short of the daily earnings for a 6-day week. I don't know if I'll make my goal this week, but I'll sure try! I just need to make up for it the rest of the week.

Assignment update:
1 for EZ (next installment, due 8/8): 1 hour done
4 press releases for PB (soon): second draft of #1 and #2 sent
2 for Demand Studios (8/8): done
6 for Demand Studios (8/11): 2 done
7 for CH (8/7): 5 done
1 for Saddle Horse Report (due 8/5): done, needs editing
1 for Sierra Style (due 8/8): done
1 for Back Country Horsemen (due 8/15): not started
Gold Medal article (whenever): started lining up interviews
"winds of change" short story contest on Accentuate Writers (due 8/20): not started
more queries! still none done, but have some ideas.

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